There is a revolution upon us. For all content creators, meaning digital artists, videographers, vloggers, bloggers, writers of all kinds, journalists, seo experts, meme makers and the like in all forms of the creation of media, we are about to see a seismic shift in the way we work. And many who have delved into this burgeoning new technology, are already experiencing the essence of what this shift is going to be like.
With AI art programs such as Adobe Firefly, Midjourney, Dalle-2 and AI chatbots such as chatGPT, AI generated art and content is here to stay. It is the future of art and everything written, and just like the horse and buggy was replaced by the automobile, art, and the entire way content is created, is about to change radically, forever.
While traditional art such as drawing, pastels, painting and sculpting will always have its place and customers eager to buy, anything that is digitally produced is about to change drastically. We will have gone from creating the art ourselves, to a position of learning how to engineer prompts to be able to describe what we want with detail. There is still a lot of knowledge for a creative person to have to possess. If you don’t know about art movements, and materials and cameras, and lighting, and more advanced photographic techniques, and how Photoshop and 3D programs work, and other digital art techniques, you will not be able to engineer the right prompts to get what you want. Yes, you will be able to create something, but if you cannot describe what you want, the output you get will not be what you want.

There is a lot of AI art being displayed online and a lot of it is mediocre, just as a lot of stuff at art festivals is mediocre. What I think Is going to happen is that art will be taken to an extraordinary level of creativity, turning our minds into being more in tune with being able to describe deeper esoteric concepts.
It will be the same way with other content creation such as writing. We will have to know the great writers, great books, writing styles, political commentators, philosophical movements and the like to be able to describe to a chatbot what it is we want from it.
When everyone has the same tools, then the game changes and the people who are the best and produce the best work with the available tools, will be the ones making the most creative and beautiful art and writing the best content. They will be the ones in demand in this new creative landscape.
You either have to buy into this, or like a steamroller it will mow you down. The blacksmiths making horseshoes and iron parts for horse drawn carriages right at the time automobiles were being mass produced either had to come up with a way to make car parts, or their businesses dried up and they could no longer compete. The people working in the horse and carriage industry were forced by advancement to change. They had to do so or face the consequences.
This isn’t going to change. This is where art and content creation is going and we don’t have any say in the bigger picture. Advances in technology and mass movements towards new things sometimes take on a life of their own. And that is what is happening with AI art and content creation. It cannot be stopped, there is no way out of this and no telling where this will eventually go.
And yes, there are most certainly dangers with the use of ever increasingly intelligent AI systems. While there are those such as Elon Musk and many other important industry leaders who are urging a pause in AI development, all the big tech companies are in a mad competition to outdo each other.
What major corporation working on this is ready to suspend their role and step back to assess what the problems are while other companies race to get ahead of them? Not a single one would be willing to do this. So, short of the government stepping in and literally cutting off the power to Google and other tech and social media companies, the race will continue to its inevitable end, wherever that may be
There is no stopping this. It is already happening and some day soon, maybe in the next 3 to 5 years, some company will have a rogue AI bot that can modify itself when detected and will impossible to stop. There are already AI bots and versions of chatGPT you can train on your desktop that can and will escape any kind of government intervention, so some kind of dangerous scenario like this will happen in the next 2 or 3 years, if not sooner.
So this is the dilemma. Where do we go from here? For the first time in human history we are at the cusp of creating something we may not be able to control. And I honestly think we are at the point where we cannot control it because no one is willing to step back and assess things because the competition is on and these tools are just too valuable for big companies that stand to make billions to just set aside.
Pandora’s box has been opened and it cannot be closed again.
The only solution I can see is to use the tools available right now and understand fully what you are getting into because it is here and we have to get creative with it before it takes over. Get used to it. You have no choice.
Great perspective and post.
Thank you. I’m not usually one to go along with the latest thing, but I feel completely different about this.