Sometimes making a major change in life requires more than just making a few adjustments here and there. Sometimes it requires an entirely new way of thinking. If you want to rebrand your business, or other “things” in your life because they aren’t working like you want them to, maybe YOU are the thing that needs to be rebranded.
If you have come to a point in your life where things are just not working, and you find your days are filled with frustration about your situation, maybe it’s your job, your relationships, your business, whatever it is you face, it could be a good time to just stop everything and go have a talk with that person in the mirror.
Throughout our lives we adopt different ways of thinking that range from the rather naive when we are young, because we don’t have the life experience to know how many situations turn out to be less than ideal, to the rather cynical and gruff when we get older. As we age we begin to learn how to read people from past experiences and it becomes easier to read their true intentions with less and less interaction.
We recognize familiar patterns and behaviors from the get go. We say to ourselves, “Yep, I’ve seen that before and I know exactly where things are going with this one.” And we choose to stay away from that situation or person.
That same thing can be found in business as well. Most of the time, business people want to interact with us because they see us as a prospect, like on Linkedin, rather than just a person to get to know. There are a few people on the net that I am friends with, but I don’t really know them. However, they message me a few times a year and act as if we are best friends. They are way too familiar with me for someone I don’t even really know and I’ve never had any in person interaction with.
I don’t like that unearned familiarity. It feels creepy to me. I don’t want, like, or appreciate people being buddy, buddy with me that I am just an acquaintance with online. Sometimes, it just takes life experience to be able to recognize those things where people try to take advantage of us because they want the benefit. And sometimes, to our detriment unfortunately, we choose to ignore what we see and experience, for various reasons.
This is the marketing game people play. One of the things that what I call, perpetual marketers do, is they write training program after program and get you buying into the next big thing that is supposedly going to change your life. It’s some kind of webinar, Zoom call, business club for women, ebook whatever and they have you convinced the only way you are going to succeed is by buying their product or service.
They get you in on the free ebook or cheat sheet, then they get you to sign up for the $60 a month business club, then the next thing you know, you’re signing up for their $3,000 coaching program that is supposedly going to produce the magic you are lacking in your life and or business.
And there is a certain demographic of people who sign up for these perpetual rah, rah, rah, business classes and spend an absolute ton of money for the next big thing that’s going to bring them untold success in life. I had a cousin who must have spent close to $100,000 on programs that were going to make her successful. Now, my cousin had already been a successful businesswoman who owned a multimillion dollar travel incentive planning company and she traveled all over the world setting up fabulous trips for her clients.
That business eventually died down due to former employees striking out on their own and stealing her clients, so she got fully introduced to the perpetual seminar world of building a coaching business. And she proceeded to spend tens of thousands of dollars on traveling around the country, and sometimes overseas, going to endless and expensive seminars to learn how to be a business coach.
I have also done the endless seminars thing being in a couple of different mlm businesses. While I did gain some good business insight and met some interesting people at these seminars, they never stopped, and the major ones once or twice a year were expensive to attend. By the time you bought tickets and flew or drove to some far away destination, paid for a hotel, and bought all your meals out, you could easily spend $500 to $1,000 for a weekend. Those seminars were twenty years ago or more, so I’m sure the cost has more than doubled to attend many of these events now.
Eventually, what I began to realize was, almost all the information that was being doled out was all the same, it was just being said differently. At one level the motivation was certainly good, but I began to think, do I really need to keep attending these things? What if I just did the work? And that’s when it all began to change for me. And I’ll get to more of that in a minute.
I also attended a lot of training sessions or webinars online. And I began to see that in an hour long webinar, the first 20 minutes or so were all motivational nonsense. For the first one third of this hour I was spending learning about some new thing, it was all, “freedom, spend time with the family, be your own boss, travel the beaches of the world, blah, blah, blah.” I got to where I could hardly stand to be on these webinars because I would be yelling at the computer saying, “Just get to the point! How do I make the money? What’s the upshot? I want the meat and potatoes! Let’s get to it.”
I finally got to the point where I refused to attend yet another webinar. I flatly refused to schedule a time to set aside another hour of my life to be wasted when I only received 20 to 30 minutes, if even that, of usable information, while the rest of the time was spent introducing the speakers and getting us pumped up with rah, rah, rah motivation. I had had enough.

And a lot of times many of the calls or online meetings I attended were of little benefit to me. And I can imagine what some of the women’s business club Zoom meetings are like. It goes something like this, they sit around and ask silly questions and pat each other on the back simply because they all have vaginas. Congratulations, you have a coochie, you go girl! Guys do this too.
The problem is, nothing of substance gets done.
You get kudos because you read a book, or got a head shot and other business photos taken, or changed your wardrobe, or got a haircut. Yeah! Okay great, all those things need to be done, but what actual work did you do?
That’s when it hit me. That was the paradigm shift! And that’s when things began to change. Not all the training sessions and products I bought were a waste of time. Sometimes you really do need to learn to do something you have no clue about, but, the bottom line is this: Light a fire under your ass and do some real, productive work already! Write the articles. Make the video. Edit the video. Make more content. Do it every day! Make the memes for Instagram. Build your Instagram audience. Start a Threads account and stick with it! Make yourself a Facebook page and build your audience. Fix the email links on your damn website so they actually work and don’t go to error pages. Use your Facebook or other ad account and fail, fail, fail, and spend $1,000 until you figure it out and it starts to work.
And when you finally find something that works, you have to chase it with the ferocity of a warrior as if nothing else matters. You have to stop posting the, “I read a book” content and start posting content your audience interacts with, and you have to post that kind of content every single day, multiple times a day. It must be a regular part of your workflow. Nope, posting 2 to 3 reels a week about going on a hike with your boyfriend or girlfriend, doesn’t count. No one wants to see that nonsense on your account that’s supposed to be about your business anyway.
At the absolute height of my content production and money making days I was writing 5 articles a day, plus producing 6 memes for each of my 3 Facebook pages, meaning 18 memes and 5 articles a day total. And I kept up that amount of content production for almost 2 years. It slowed down a little over the next 4 years, but it was still right up there in a work all day range. Some might say that is too much work, was it worth it? Well, ask yourself if doing that much work to make enough money in 6 years to live debt free for the rest of your life is worth it? Yes, it was most certainly worth it.
It was worth it because I got to the point that after years and years of attending endless webinars and buying endless how to make money online ebooks, I wasn’t learning anything new and was tired of the overhyped “change your life” stories to get you to buy the latest product. I knew what I needed to know and I made up my mind that I was going to end the loop of being in the continuous learning mode, and graduate to the continuous working mode.
It’s the work, dummy! And it’s nothing else. Yes, you do have to learn how to do things, but endlessly learning, ultimately doesn’t produce a damn thing. Work and only work produces results.
Stop being addicted to getting pats on the back for reading a dumb book and attending a webinar. Belonging to a club with like minded individuals may feel good, but it doesn’t buy groceries. Once you start actually doing the work, and the money starts coming in, you finally get addicted to the work, and not the buying of more nonsense.
Yes, you have to find the right thing to do that is going to result in a positive cash flow, but once you find it, work like you are a crazy person on that one thing. If it is working, put everything else that doesn’t make you money aside, and get to work on the thing that works, so to speak.
Get off the feel good, pat me on the back for doing nothing, addiction, and get out there and do the damn work!